What Is the International Monetary Fund IMF?

international monetary fund meaning

The quotas are larger for more powerful countries with strong economies, and their contributions form a pool from which other member countries in need can borrow loans. Global financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have been working with international lenders to help developing countries restructure their debt, but the process has been slow and painstaking. According to the IMF, its mandate includes „facilitating the expansion and balanced growth of international trade.“The organization utilizes tariffs, quotas, export subsidies and taxes, and preferential trade agreements.

Which country has the most debt from the IMF?

Argentina is the biggest debtor to the IMF, with a total outstanding debt of $42.9bn. The country has had a long and troubled relationship with the IMF, with a history of equally spectacular fall-outs and bail-outs.


The Executive Board comprises 24 Executive Directors, representing all the 189 member countries. The eight large economies appoint one Executive Director each, while the other 16 Directors represent the remaining countries, grouped into constituents of 4 to 24 countries. The large economies that have the power to appoint their own Directors include the United States, Japan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. The Board of Governors is the highest decision-making body of the IMF and comprises one governor and one alternate governor from each member country. The Board is responsible for electing or appointing directors of the Executive Board, and the voting takes place by mail-in ballot. As of 2023, the IMF has 190 members and controls over USD $1 trillion in assets available to member countries during economic crises.

On which issues does the IMF focus?

The IMF offers technical assistance to transitional economies in the changeover from centrally planned to market-run economies. The IMF also offers emergency funds to collapsed economies, as it did for South Korea during the 1997 financial crisis in Asia, which allowed it to avoid sovereign default. Emergency funds can also be loaned to countries that have faced an economic crisis as a result of a natural disaster. During the pandemic, the IMF doubled the amount of money available through its two lending programs for addressing natural disasters (the Rapid Financing Instrument and the Rapid Credit Facility), among other actions.


  1. To become a member of the Bank, under the IBRD Articles of Agreement, a country must first join the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  2. In exchange, the member agrees to implement reforms designed to rectify its balance of payments and restore foreign exchange reserves in its central bank.
  3. The IMF was founded by 44 member countries that sought to build a framework for economic cooperation.
  4. Emergency funds can also be loaned to countries that have faced an economic crisis as a result of a natural disaster.
  5. Along with its sister organization, the World Bank, it was created to prevent economic crises such as the Great Depression.
  6. Typically, the IMF will offer a lending package to a member country requesting financial support in exchange for an agreed program of economic policies aimed at preventing repeated crises.
  7. Although the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank perform related functions, they are two independent institutions.

Membership is open to any country that conducts foreign policy and accepts the organization’s statutes. At the top of its organizational structure is the Board of Governors, consisting of one governor (usually the minister of finance or the governor of the central bank) and one alternate governor from each member country. The day-to-day work of the IMF is overseen by its 25-member Executive Board, which represents the entire membership and is supported by IMF staff.

What is the international money market in simple words?

The international money market is a market where international currency transactions between numerous central banks of countries are carried on. The transactions are mainly carried out using gold or in US dollar as a base.

What Is the IMF?

international monetary fund meaning

The fund has received both criticism and credit for its efforts to promote financial stability. Some economists say the fund has made major changes, including by expanding lending capacity, enacting governance reform, and moving away from free market fundamentalism. However, others suggest that the IMF must go further in implementing changes that will improve the plight of the world’s poor and guarantee the fund’s relevance, especially as climate change takes a mounting toll on the developing world.

Board of Governors

They were created to supplement the international reserves of the time, which were gold and the U.S. dollar. In his 2002 book, Globalization and Its Discontents, Nobel Prize–winning economist Joseph Stiglitz denounced the fund as a primary culprit in the failed development policies implemented in some of the world’s poorest countries. International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations (UN) specialized agency, founded at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 to secure international monetary cooperation, to stabilize currency exchange rates, and to expand international liquidity (access to hard currencies). The IMF is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the international monetary system, the system by which international payments among countries take place. It provides a systematic mechanism for foreign exchange transactions in order to foster investment and promote balanced global economic trade.

Unlike the World Bank, which was designed as a lending institution focused on longer-term development and social projects, the IMF was conceived as a watchdog of the monetary and exchange rate policies vital to global markets. After ratification by 29 countries, the Articles of Agreement entered into force on December 27, 1945. The fund’s board of governors convened the following year in Savannah, Georgia, U.S., to adopt bylaws and to elect the IMF’s first executive directors.

Although the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank perform related functions, they are two independent institutions. The IMF focuses on providing short-term loans to member countries to help turn their economies around and reinstate their financial structure. The World Bank, on the other hand, is focused on providing long-term economic solutions to member countries and is funded by member contributions and bonds. The value of SDRs lies in the fact that member states commit to honor their obligations to use and accept SDRs. Each member country is assigned a certain amount of SDRs based on how much the country contributes to the IMF (which is based on the size of the country’s economy). However, the need for SDRs lessened when major economies dropped the fixed exchange rate and opted for floating rates instead.

  1. A formal system of review monitors the global economic and financial system as well as its member countries, and offers macroeconomic and financial policy advice.
  2. The grants are meant to foster economic independence through education and economic development.
  3. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that provides financial assistance and advice to member countries.
  4. However, the IMF imposed onerous regulations for countries that joined the organization to get funding.
  5. The committee monitors the development of the global economy and also advises the Board of Governors on important issues.
  6. The SDR is not a currency; it is a unit of account by which member states can exchange with one another in order to settle international accounts.

In addition, he describes many of the fund’s loan conditions and technical advice as out of touch with ground-level realities. A formal system of review monitors the global economic and financial system as well as its member countries, and offers macroeconomic and financial policy advice. The representatives of 45 governments met at the Bretton Woods Conference in the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the United States, to discuss a framework for postwar international economic cooperation and how to rebuild Europe.

They also get technical assistance on fiscal affairs, increased trade and investment opportunities, as well as the opportunity to influence other member country’s economic policies. All facilities of the IMF aim to create sustainable development within a country and try to create international monetary fund meaning policies that will be accepted by the local population. However, the IMF is not an aid agency, so all loans are given on the condition that the country implements the SAPs and makes it a priority to pay back what it has borrowed. Countries that are under IMF programs are typically developing, transitional, and emerging market countries (countries that have faced financial crises). The IMF offers its assistance in the form of surveillance, which it conducts on a yearly basis for individual countries, regions, and the global economy as a whole.

Which country owes the most to the IMF?

Argentina Tops the Rank

Argentina's debt to the IMF is equivalent to 5.3% of the country's GDP.